The revolution of the aluminum can.
Our ancestors packed their beverages into leather bags, wooden barrels, pottery and glass.
Our generation uses extremely thin and super light material called aluminum - and yes, it’s awesome!
Since cans are now also easily available for micro brewers the time has come to look into the future of craft beer packaging.
LINK: Why should I use cans? / Warum sollte ich Dosen benutzen?
The daniCanFiller Model 2 is a semiautomatic can filler. How does it work?
Push the START-BUTTON: The daniCanFiller lowers the platform and starts filling 4 cans with carbon dioxide to lower the oxygen pick-up and 4 cans with carbonated or non-carbonated beer (refermentation in the can) or any other beverage.
Meanwhile the filled cans are capped, sealed by hand and 4 new cans are placed on the left side.
The daniCanFiller measures the desired amount of liquid, it then stops automatically when the cans are filled and lifts the platform.
The cans are pushed to the right side by hand.
Push the START-BUTTON: ...
The daniCanFiller is very compact, affordable, easy to clean and easy to handle.
It totally follows the BT-philosophy: A very simple and straightforward design for a low price.
Designed and made by craft brewers for craft brewers: The daniCanFiller is handcrafted in our brewery garage in Bern/Switzerland.
What are the differences between the Model 1 and the Model 2?
The Model 2 has an around 100 % higher capacity for non-carbonated beverages
and around 20-40 % for carbonated beverages.
The Model 2 can control every fill line separately.
This means you adjust the fill amount for every line.
Several modes:
The Model 2 has fill lines for non-carbonated and for carbonated beverages
and it can be downgraded to the Model 1. This can all be done within minutes
(plug and play).
If you want to fill non-carbonated beverages at high speed or you want higher capacity and perfect fill control then the Model 2 is the way to go.
Carbon dioxide (½” female thread or ¼ ”-push fit pipe)
Compressed air 1 bar (½” female thread or ¼ ”-push fit pipe)
Beverage (tri clamp D = 50.4 mm)
Power: 12 V DC
Specs of the cans:
Max. diameter = 67 mm
Max. height = 170 mm
LINK: Where can I buy cans? / Wo kann ich Dosen kaufen?
Dimensions and weight:
L x W x H = 110 cm x 21 cm x 55 cm
Weight = 18 kg
The "Control Box":
With the controller you can set
Rinsing (cleaning, disinfecting)
Any amount of liquid you want to fill for every fill line
The fill time of the carbon dioxide
The time between pushing the START-BUTTON and the start of the filling process
Fill capacity:
To prevent excessive foaming when filling carbonated beverages the following requirements for the beverage are recommended:
Not more than 0.5 % carbon dioxide (2.6 volumes)
Temperature of the carbonated beverage -1.5 ... 1 °C
Link: Canning requirements / Dosenabfüllanforderungen
The max. capacity is around 24 x 330 ml cans or 18 x 500 ml cans per minute for non carbonated beverages.
For carbonated beverages > 12 - 15 x 330 ml cans per minute can be achieved under normal conditions.
The canning process:
Link: How to fill cans? / Wie füllt man Dosen?
Technical documentation:
The complete technical documentation (CE) is only given to the buyer.
Technical Documentation ENGLISH (CENSORED)
Technische Dokumentation DEUTSCH (ZENSURIERT) - coming soon.
daniCanFiller Model 2: 4'000 USD
Packaging: 100 USD
Hint: No packaging needed when picked up at our brewery garage.
The price does not include VAT/customs and the shipping. Shipping worldwide ! See the approx. shipping costs HERE.
Ask for an offer HERE.
Why should I use cans? / Warum sollte ich Dosen benutzen?
Where can I buy cans? / Wo kann ich Dosen kaufen?
Canning requirements / Dosenabfüllanforderungen
How to fill cans? / Wie füllt man Dosen?
Technical Documentation ENGLISH (CENSORED)
Technische Dokumentation DEUTSCH (ZENSURIERT) - coming soon.
daniCanFiller videos (youtube)
daniCanFiller pictures (google fotos)